Our Road to the Royal Journey
October is always an exciting and busy time for our family.
This year was no exception.
While getting ready for the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is usually in the front of our minds, this year we were lucky to take part in something a little different.
Back in the spring, the Royal had asked exhibitors to tell them about their history with the fair as well as what exactly it takes for us to get ready for the week spent at Exhibition Place in November.
You can read about our history with the fair here.
Read our Road to the Royal Journey here.
We were lucky to have been chosen as one of four Royal Fair exhibitors to have a special Road To The Royal Video filmed.
It was filmed in August and we are happy to say that as of this week the Royal has released the video and we are thrilled with the result!
A big thank you goes out to the Royal, especially Katie & her crew who came to the farm to film and created this wonderful video, we are honoured. Many, many…. many years of Royal memories have led up to this.
Take a look and let us know what you think.
If you make it out to this year’s Royal, make sure you stop by the pens and say hi!
Welcome Home Caesar
2016 Royal Winter Fair
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